
By convening experts across four panels, the inaugural Harvard Circular Economy Symposium will introduce participants to key circular economy concepts and case studies, explore linkages to finance, policy and business processes, and help forge connections across sectors to jump start the transition to a more sustainable system.

Links to the video recordings of the event can be found here.


08:30 am - Registration and coffee

09:00 am - Opening Remarks

  • Heather Henriksen, Managing Director, Harvard Office for Sustainability

  • Kathleen Molony, Director, Weatherhead Scholars Programme

  • Tom Gloria, Director for Sustainability Programs, Harvard Extension School

09:20 am - keynote lecture

Circular Economy: Why here, why now?

Michelle Brownlee, Director General of Strategic Policy, Environment and Climate Change Canada

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10:00 AM - industry

Panel discussion:
Industry Challenges

Our current economic models are geared towards linear consumption: Resources and disposal are cheap enough to make short product lifetimes and a throw-away culture the most profitable business model. Nonetheless, an ever growing number of businesses aim to redefine growth and success in sustainability terms. How far along is the transition, and what are the bottlenecks that prevent more rapid transformation?

This discussion panel will explore how private companies active in various sectors of the value chain can play a role in bringing about increased product circularity on a systemic and global level. We invite perspectives from a range of industries, from chemical and consumer goods companies to technology firms and circularity-focused startups.

Moderator: Etienne Kechichian, Senior Private Sector Specialist at World Bank Group

  • Monica Maria Moeskær, Senior Project Manager, Dansk Design Center

  • Dr. Michael Saltzberg, Global Business Director, Dupont Biomaterials

  • Michael Allegretti, Chief Strategy Officer, Rubicon Global

  • José Manuel Moller, CEO and Founder, Algramo

11:00 am - Break

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11:30 am - policy

How can policy and regulation give traction to circular markets? 

How are growing trade restrictions, including China’s National Sword policy, reshaping value chains across the world? Is the future of circularity local or global? What roles can national governments, multilateral organizations play, especially to enable trade and supply chains with circular characteristics? What role can regional  and trade agreements play to ensure that economic systems support circularity?

This debate will focus on the policy and legal components that need to be in place to allow used materials to flow back into the economy, reducing impacts on nature related to extraction and disposal. We will hear from leading academics, policymakers and practitioners on where they stand on the future of policy and regulation. 

Moderator: Siddarth Shrikanth, Harvard Kennedy School

  • Mario Jales, Economist, Division on International Trade and Commodities, UNCTAD

  • Giuliana Torta, Environment Counsellor, Delegation of the EU to the US

  • Shunta Yamaguchi, Policy Analyst, OECD Environment Directorate (by video)

  • Dr. Mark Wu, Henry L. Stimson Professor of Law, Harvard Law School

  • Prof. Giorgios Dimitriou, École des Ponts

12:30 pm - Lunch

1:15 pm - Guided Networking Session

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02:00 pm - finance

Financing for a circular economy at scale

What are the financial barriers currently standing in the way of the transition? How can circular solutions be made more investable for mainstream funders? What are some of the innovative mechanisms emerging to accelerate the shift away from a linear economy? 

This roundtable will explore the way in which various stakeholders (companies, private capital, philanthropic donors, and development funders) can help finance the transition - in its different time horizons and contexts - to a more circular economy.

Moderator: Vikram S. Gandhi , Harvard Business School

  • Gwill York, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Lighthouse Capital Partners

  • Alessandro Moscuzza, Climate Change and Environment Adviser, DFID-UK

  • Dr. Shannon Bouton, Global Executive Director, Sustainable Communities,

  • Courtney A. Thompson, Vice President, Morgan Stanley’s Global Sustainable Finance

  • Justin Goldstein, Goldman Sachs

3:00 PM - Break

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03:30 pm - research and practice

Hearing from the doers:
Putting circular economy into practice. 

Moving beyond theory it is important to learn from stakeholders who already put circular economy principles into practice. Is our academic system preparing students to apply these ideas in industry, government and civil society? What can we all learn from circular economy pioneers?

In this panel, we will hear from educators, researchers and practitioners who have already engaged in successful projects or triggered policy action focused on material conservation, systems design, reuse, remanufacturing or recycling. We will focus on the ways in which stakeholders across sectors can gain inspiration from these early movers.

Moderator: Heather Henriksen, Managing Director, Harvard University Office for Sustainability

  • Carrie Snyder, Instructor, Harvard Extension school

  • Dr. Justin Bours, Cradle to Cradle Product Innovations Institute

  • Prof. Libby McDonald, MIT D-Lab

  • Annie Osborn, Good Food Institute

05:00 PM - Closing REmarks



The Speakers


The Circular Economy Symposium at Harvard brings over 25 experts from industry, policy, finance and practice together to discuss the benefits and challenges of circular economy.



The Team


The Circular Economy Symposium at Harvard is a joint effort of multiple Harvard schools and centers. Meet the team of faculty, students and researchers that are bringing this event to life.


our faculty advisors

Meet the organizers

Our Sponsors


The Circular Economy Symposium at Harvard is possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.