Panel 1: Building Materials
April 15, 2021

In this HCES session we will dive deeper into means to eliminate waste within the built economy. Featured speakers have experience spanning across the value chain, from material inputs--such as innovative technologies that reduce the carbon intensity of cement--to tools used by designers--including enhanced life cycle analysis and building material passports. If you are interested in incorporating circular economy concepts in your career and curious about how we can build for a sustainable future, then please join us for this exciting event!


  • Matt Grigsby (Industrial Designer / Entrepreneur)

  • Martha Lewis (Henning Larsen)

  • Kate Simonen, AIA, SE (Carbon Leadership Forum, University of Washington)

  • Jennifer Wagner (CarbonCure Technologies)

Panel 2: Consumer Electronics
April 20, 2021

In this HCES session, we bring together speakers from opposite ends of the supply chain to discuss the technology, policies and market drivers that are required to design out waste within the industry. From sustainable material development to sustainable smartphones and electronic recycling, please join us to learn about how companies are rethinking the design of electronics for a circular economy!


  • Sean Ansett (At Stake Advisors Ltd.)

  • Susannah Calvin (Environmental Initiatives, Apple)

  • Pierre Descamps (Dow Corning)